Tim Vipava Bike
Smo lokalni vodniki, ki radi kolesarimo po Vipavski dolini, raziskujemo lokalne anekdote in okušamo najboljšo hrano in vino. Ponujamo vam vrhunska e-kolesa in MTB kolesa ter vodene ali samovodene kolesarske ture za odkrivanje skritih krajev Vipavske doline.
Skrbimo, da vsi naši vodniki prihajajo iz lokalnega okolja ter so odgovorni in predani trajnostnemu življenju. Naši turistični vodniki razlagajo in pomagajo popotnikom razumeti lokalne standarde in vrednote. Lahko jim pokažejo, kakšno je primerno vedenje, ki ni v nasprotju z lokalnimi običaji in pričakovanji.
Naša misija
Prizadevamo si za trajnostni, odgovoren in zeleni turizem. Želimo ohraniti našo naravo in kulturo za generacije, ki bodo prišle za nami. Prav zato delamo samo z majhnimi skupinami. Hodimo in kolesarimo samo po urejenih poteh, spoštujemo vsakega posameznega vinarja, kmeta, čebelarja in druge lokalne pridelovalce, ki se trudijo ohranjati družinske tradicije in živijo na način, ki prestavlja visoke trajnostne standarde. Naši gostje podpirajo naša prizadevanja in nam tako pomagajo ohranjati našo dolino zeleno in pristno.
powered by Wajdusna Responsible Travel
Vipava Bike je del agencije Wajdušna.
Počaščeni smo, da sta Travelife in Slovenia Green prepoznala naš način dela kot odgovornega do lokalne skupnosti, narave, zaposlenih, partnerjev in naših strank.
Preberite si našo trajnostno politiko in zavezanost.
Preberite si naše trajnostno poročilo.
Vipava Bike
Burjatik d.o.o.
Župančičeva Ulica 1c, 5270 Ajdovščina, Slovenija
Because I was traveling alone in October (off-season), Wajdusna did not have a tour running that I could join. Jani was kind enough to arrange a self-guided tour for me... read more instead! He met me at the shop for the bike rental (a great e-bike), provided the route, coordinated a wine tasting and was accessible via WhatsApp in case I had any questions during the self-guided tour. The route was beautiful, the winery was excellent and I had an absolutely fantastic time. Thank you, Jani, for providing a thoughtful, creative and affordable alternative during the off-season!
October 23, 2021 -
Because I was traveling alone in October (off-season), Wajdusna did not have a tour running that I could join. Jani was kind enough to arrange a self-guided tour for me... read more instead! He met me at the shop for the bike rental (a great e-bike), provided the route, coordinated a wine tasting and was accessible via WhatsApp in case I had any questions during the self-guided tour. The route was beautiful, the winery was excellent and I had an absolutely fantastic time. Thank you, Jani, for providing a thoughtful, creative and affordable alternative during the off-season!
October 1, 2021 -
This bike and wine experience was one of the greatest highlights of our trip to Italy and Slovenia. Our guide, Jani, was welcoming, kind, and incredibly empathetic to the needs... read more of ALL our group members, especially the least skilled bikers (such as me!). We stopped to discover the history of various places on the way, expertly by Jani, and when the hills got a bit tough, he was an exceptionally helpful instructor regarding gear shifts and never let any of us fall too far behind. The tour can be customized. Jani can adjust the experience for any group from the least experienced to the most hardcore cycling enthusiasts. He really knows his way around and has so many interesting stories to tell about the local geographical and political history. Oh, and Jani also used a GoPro to take photos and videos of all of us at different points on the tour, and he shared all of these with us the same day. At the end of the biking, we stopped for an exceptional wine tasting at Petric Winery in Vipava during which we also tasted the most scrumptious, locally sourced meats and cheese, and enjoyed a rich conversation about winemaking among many other topics! What a joyful day and we hope to return soon!
August 2, 2021 -
This bike and wine experience was one of the greatest highlights of our trip to Italy and Slovenia. Our guide, Jani, was welcoming, kind, and incredibly empathetic to the needs... read more of ALL our group members, especially the least skilled bikers (such as me!). We stopped to discover the history of various places on the way, expertly by Jani, and when the hills got a bit tough, he was an exceptionally helpful instructor regarding gear shifts and never let any of us fall too far behind. The tour can be customized. Jani can adjust the experience for any group from the least experienced to the most hardcore cycling enthusiasts. He really knows his way around and has so many interesting stories to tell about the local geographical and political history. Oh, and Jani also used a GoPro to take photos and videos of all of us at different points on the tour, and he shared all of these with us the same day. At the end of the biking, we stopped for an exceptional wine tasting at Petric Winery in Vipava during which we also tasted the most scrumptious, locally sourced meats and cheese, and enjoyed a rich conversation about winemaking among many other topics! What a joyful day and we hope to return soon!
August 1, 2021